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We are All Mineral Deficient!

“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

Said 2 time Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Linus Pauling

94% of North Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables to meet minimum mineral RDAs. Even the trace minerals in organic foods are depleted.

As far back as 1936, the 74th Congress stated that, “99% of the American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease,” in a well-publicized report entitled Document 264 from the Department of Agriculture.

That same report stated that, “Virtually all soils in the United States are mineral deficient.”

From 1940 to 1991, trace minerals in fruits and vegetables have declined by up to 76%, according to the Journal of Complimentary Medicine in 2001.

Unfortunately, most multi-mineral supplements don’t absorb well enough through the GI tract. Only about 10% to 25% will be absorbed.

Vitamins depend on minerals to function. As such a large percentage of us are mineral deficient, it’s no wonder that the vitamins we ingest often don’t deliver the vitality we expect.

A few Key Points

  • Mineral deficiency has been traced to be a cause of all disease, according to the 2 time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling.

  • Less than four percent of Americans eat sufficient fruits and vegetables to account for minimal mineral requirements, according to the RDAs.

  • The main causes of mineral deficiency are poor digestion, depleted soils, malnutrition, and mal-absorption.

  • Minerals are responsible for thousands of bio-chemical processes in the body. As many minerals work synergistically, a deficiency in just one mineral can have a devastating impact on the body.

  • To reverse and prevent deficiency, A topical application is best. This will allow for 100% absorption and no competition with the GI tract.

The Main Causes of Mineral Deficiency

  1. In the past 200 years as much as 75 percent of mineral rich topsoil in North America has been stripped of its mionerals, according to John Robbins in his book, Diet for a New America.

  2. In the 1940’s, fertilizers were introduced and they released only 4 major minerals back into the soil, leaving most macro and trace minerals on the fast track to depletion.

  3. Less than four percent of the population eats sufficient fruits and vegetables to account for minimal mineral requirement, according to the RDAs. Are you part of the 96 percent of Americans that don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables? The Journal of American Medicine now recommends that everyone take a multi-mineral vitamin supplement, in part because of the lack of fruit and vegetables in our diet.

  4. Perhaps most important is the health of the digestive tract. Minerals attached to proteins in the gut and are transported through healthy villi into the blood. If digestion is weak and the villi are damaged, the proper proteins won’t be available to attach to a mineral and be transported across the gut wall.*

Even Organic Foods are Depleted in Minerals!

Organic foods do help, but when it comes to minerals the difference between conventional and organic foods is negligible. This is a slow process of rebuilding the mineral content of the soil, even on organic farms, and is a great reason to support organic foods and your local farmer’s markets.

1000s of Processes in the Body Rely On Minerals

Minerals are responsible for thousands of bio-chemical processes in the body. Many of the minerals work synergistically so a deficiency in just one mineral can have a devastating impact on the body.

Don’t worry too much about vitamins. Unlike minerals, you can still get plenty of them from fresh fruits and vegetables, the problem is that we need minerals to activate vitamins.

Magnesium for example is involved in over 300 chemical processes that activate enzymes. It is also integral in the production of ATP, or energy, in the body. Zinc is a co-factor in over 70 enzymatic processes and is responsible for skin, immunity, growth, musculo-skeletal issues and tissue repair.

Each of the following systems in the body utilize minerals. Research shows that imbalances or deficiencies in mineral nutrition can affect these systems(1):

  1. Immune System Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe) and Selenium (Se)

  2. Energy Production Magnesium (Mg), Phosphorus (P) and Manganese (Mn)

  3. Hormone System Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Magnesium (Mg) and Potassium (K)

  4. Vitamin Production Cobalt (Co)

  5. Blood Production Copper (Cu) and Iron (Fe)

  6. Enzyme Systems Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Potassium (K), Manganese (Mn), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca) and Molybdenum (Mo)

  7. Skeletal System Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Boron (B) and Phosphorus (P)

Most Mineral Supplements Don’t Work!

Digesting and assimilating a mineral is no easy task here are some Obstacles to Mineral Absorption and Why a Topical Application is Best:

  1. Chemicals: Chelation and mineral absorption in the gut is blocked by medications and chemicals such as Antibiotics, NSAID’s, Laxatives, Diuretics, pain Killers and chemo therapy drugs.

  2. Fiber: Many minerals also attach to dietary fiber and are digested and eliminated by the fiber before the mineral has a chance to chelate or be absorbed into the blood.

  3. Mineral Size: Many minerals that enter the digestive tract are too large to be absorbed, such as most commercial minerals like colloidal minerals.

  4. Poor Digestion: If the stomach is too weak to break down the proteins in wheat or dairy, it is likely not strong enough to break down proteins into appropriate amino acids for chelating onto a mineral. Lack of chelated minerals in the gut act as irritants to the gut wall and damage the villi, which are essential to absorbing such minerals.

  5. Incorrect Formulas: In many commercial multi-mineral supplements an excess of one mineral may absorb much quicker than another, thus causing a deficiency of the mineral that is absorbed more slowly.

  6. Absorption Rates: Most commercial mineral supplements absorb only at a rate of 10-25%.

  7. Not True Chelates: Some products on the market purported to be chelates are merely complexed mixtures of proteins and minerals that lose stability during digestion and consequently have lower bio availability.

When Minerals are applied trans-dermally you obtain 100% absorption.

Lavida Health Products has an amazing topical mineral application called MAG-IC Minerals 92. This Roll-on is a topical Mineral supplement. It is not only a 100% natural product that contains NO harmful chemicals whatsoever but works as an amazing deodorant that provides an effective way of getting your daily required Magnesium and trace minerals. Suspended in 100% pure, raw Irish sea moss, it provides many beneficial vitamins and trace minerals such as sulphur, iodine, iron, calcium, selenium, potassium and folate.

MAG-IC Minerals contains 92 of the 102 minerals that our bodies are made of. Trans-dermal application (on the skin) of minerals has been found to be highly effective as it goes directly to our cells. This bottle contains a high amount of pure Magnesium Chloride Salts (9000mg, equal to 300mg/day over 30 days)

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