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Natural Joint Pain Relief

Our Joint Pain and muscle pain relief product is a powerful blend of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) , Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) and Silicon Dioxide. All of these ingredients have amazing healing properties specifically for muscles, Joints and bone health. Our formula is designed to help reduce inflammation and the pain caused by inflammation. This product combined with an organic Bone Broth is a staple for health bones, Joints and Arthritis relief.

Let’s talk about the First ingredient in Lavida Health’s Joint Pain Relief; MSM. This mineral has literally been referred to as “the Miracle Supplement” because of its healing properties

Benefits of MSM

MSM is used to help treat literally dozens of illnesses, painful symptoms and diseases. It is an organic sulfur-containing compound that’s used to improve immune function, lower inflammation and help restore healthy bodily tissue. The reason so many benefits are attributed to the MSM supplement is because MSM provides biologically active sulfur, which is the fourth most plentiful mineral in the body and needed for many different critical bodily functions every single day.

​MSM is often used topically on the skin and also taken by mouth, it is an effective arthritis aid and should be part of a supplementation plan to treat arthritis or osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease since it helps form connective tissue and repair joints, tendons and ligaments.

MSM helps decrease joint inflammation, improves flexibility and restores collagen production. Research shows that many patients with arthritis, joint pain, stiffness, knee/back problems and a limited range of motion experience a reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life when taking an MSM supplement.

MSM supplements are beneficial for helping the body form new joint and muscle tissue while lowering inflammatory responses that contribute to swelling and stiffness. An MSM supplement is a natural and effective anti-inflammatory because of how sulfur impacts the immune system and facilitates normal cellular activity. Sulfur needs to be present for our cells to release many byproducts and excess fluids that can accumulate and cause swelling/tenderness.

Lowers Muscle Pain and Muscle Spasms MSM can act like a natural analgesic, helping prevent and treat muscle aches and pains, throbbing and swelling while improving range of motion and mobility. It has been shown to help muscle recovery after exercise, injuries and even surgeries

The Second ingredient in in our Joint Pain Relief Supplement is Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO)

Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO)

CMO is a natural fatty acid produced from the combination of cetyl alcohol and myristoleic acid derived from plant and animal oil

CMO is used for natural arthritis treatment and other joint health problems because of its ability to lubricate the joints. Clinical tests show that CMO produces the same benefits as the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) such as linotenic and linolelic acid. However, Cetyl Myristoleate benefits are more effective and longer lasting.

CMO was first discovered by Dr. Harry Diehl in 1972, on his quest to find an effective arthritis treatment for his friend. Diehl tried to induced arthritis to lab mice and found out that mice have natural immunity against arthritis because of CMO circulating in their bloodstream. CMO works in several ways, first by interfering with the production of the inflammatory inducing substances prostaglandin and leukotriene. It serves as an excellent lubricant for the joints, by acting as a shock absorber to reduce friction between the bones and the cartilages which usually cause wear and tear. More importantly, CMO inhibits the autoimmune reaction between the immune cells and the body’s own cells.

CMO provides all natural and alternative arthritis treatment. It prevents connective tissue beakdown to suppress the inflammatory process in arthritis. Taking CMO supplements have been shown to offer arthritis pain relief and improve mobility in arthritic patients.

  • CMO is particularly useful for autoimmune conditions. Autoimmune diseases are caused by the immune cells attacking the body’s own cells. Aside from arthritis, other autoimmune disorders include lupus, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and gout.

  • CMO is a potent immune system regulator. It enhances the ability of the immune cells to fight off microorganisms that initiates infections like the common colds, flu, and other upper respiratory infections.

  • CMO can be used as a substitute for synthetic pain relievers. It can be used to relieve muscle and joint pains after vigorous exercise.

  • As a joint support nutrient, CMO helps in relieving the symptoms of other joint inflammatory conditions like bursitis and tendonitis.

  • CMO has potential anti-ageing effects. Further studies are being done for this claim. Some experts believe that the anti-ageing effects of CMO are attributed for its ability to increase physical mobility in patients with degenerative or age-related joint diseases.

Last but not least is Silicon Dioxide or Silica

Silicon dioxide is used for weak bones, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, hair loss, heart diseases, and increasing bone strength. Men and younger women have a higher bone mineral density when consuming silicon. In addition, this compound can reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Finally, let’s take a look at some of the health benefits of silicon dioxide. That is, if you consume it on a regular basis as a food supplement.

Silicon prevents deformities in bones, playing a vital role in assisting calcium for bone growth. As well as supporting bone growth, silicon also helps maintain the health of the joints and bones. Silicon increases the amount of collagen, which contributes to better flexibility and elasticity of the bones.

  • It prevents alopecia (commonly known as thinning of the hair). This condition is often caused by a refined diet, or consuming processed foods that lack healthy nutrients. Silicon encourages hair growth and increases the shine of the hair.

  • Silicon plays a vital role in preventing the skin from becoming flabby. This compound restores the natural glow of the skin, maintaining a healthy skin appearance.

  • It prevents aluminum toxicity by bonding with aluminum. Absorption of too much aluminum is linked with Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Silicon dioxide also restores the mucosa of the respiratory tract. The process prevents your body from dehydrating.

  • Another important aspect is brittle nails. Silicon prevents them by keeping your nails healthy and improving the quality of the nails.

  • Last, but not least, silicon dioxide helps the healing process in general. Protecting against many diseases is one thing, but silicon also increases the healing process during fractures.

How to take Joint Pain Relief (JPR)

Lavida Health’s Joint Pain Relief is a powerful Blend of ingredients to help your body repair the damage done by chronic inflammation. Arthritis and Joint pain are just 2 of the painful symptoms of chronic inflammation but supplementing with JPR along with an organic bone broth, exercise and a clean diet can reverse these symptoms. For best absorption we recommend JPR is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. But any time you remember is a great time to take it! Take 2 pills daily until the pain subsides. Afterwards 2 capsules once a week is usually sufficient to maintain your results.

Please consult your health care practitioner before use especially if you are on any medication for preexisting condition.

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